Sponsor Information
Listed below are links and informational material for individual companies or agencies that sponsor students at Cuyahoga Community College. Your sponsor must be based in the United States and have a valid Federal Tax Identification number.
Third Party Authorization Form
Sponsor Terms and Conditions
Cuyahoga Community College, Student Accounting – Education Record Release Form
Academic Calendar
Cuyahoga County Tuition and Fee Schedule
Cuyahoga Community College – Supplemental Fees
Admissions and Enrollment Services locations and hours
Follett Higher Education manages Cuyahoga Community College’s bookstores. Please send your book authorizations directly to one of the following Follett's campus bookstores.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Follett's campus bookstores.
Eastern Campus
4250 Richmond Road
Highland Hills, OH 44122
Phone: 216 -987-2070
Fax: 216-987-2305
Metropolitan Campus
2900 Community College Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: 216-987-4550
Fax: 216-987-4201
Western Campus
11000 Pleasant Valley Road
Parma, OH 44130
Phone: 216-987-5550
Fax: 216-987-5067
Westshore Campus
31001 Clemens Road
Westlake, OH 44145
Phone: 216-987-3908
Sponsored Student’s Responsibilities
Register for classes: In person at Admissions and Enrollment Services or online through your my Tri-C Space at my.seezl.com by searching Registration on the Discover page, and then searching for your classes and register.
Payment for classes: Payment for tuition and fees will be done automatically by the College if the sponsor has mailed, emailed, faxed or hand delivered an authorization for the student prior to registration authorizing all tuition and fees.
Book Authorization: Follett Higher Education will be billing your agency/company directly. Therefore, please have your book authorization mailed, emailed, faxed or hand delivered to our Follett's campus bookstore.
Students who are hand carrying their authorization or owe a balance should go to Admissions and Enrollment Services to settle their account. Admissions and Enrollment Services will collect the authorization and any amount due. Also, payment can be made online by searching Paying for College on the Discover page in your my Tri-C space.
Adding classes: In person at Admissions and Enrollment Services or online through your my Tri-C space. Search Registration on the Discover page, Register (Add/Drop Courses) button, Register, choose the Term, then search for your classes and register. If you are adding classes which are not covered by your authorization, please pay this amount prior to the payment deadline or at the time of registration.
Dropping classes: Please note that this is the student’s responsibility. Dropping a course can be done in person at Admissions and Enrollment Services or online in your my Tri-C space. Search Registration on the Discover page and Register (Add/Drop Courses) button, Register, choose the Term, then find your course and select “Web Drop Class” and submit.
If charges exceed the authorized amount, the student is responsible to pay the additional amount or obtain additional authorization (supplemental or corrected authorization). Failure to pay balance owed will result in the student being dropped from all classes.
Notify the sponsor of any additional aid (State Grants, Federal Grants, Loans, Institutional Grants or Award and Institutional Fee Waivers) received and/or may receive. The sponsor will indicate on the authorization if the additional aid has priority in paying for tuition and fees.
FERPA Consent: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 release is now available in electronic format only.
The student must 1st log into their my Tri-C space, and then complete the following steps:
- On the Discover page, search "FERPA".
- Click the "FERPA Request" button. This will take the student to the electronic consent form.
- Fill in the required fields for each party the student wishes to authorize Tri-C to release information to.
- Click "Submit" and your authorization list will be updated.
Authorization Form
Individual companies/agencies based in the United States and have a valid Federal Tax Identification number should review the links above and complete this form to sponsor students.