Mentee Programs

Minority Male Leadership Academy- The Minority Male Leadership Academy (MMLA) program was developed to positively impact retention and increase graduation rates of men of color through the development of leadership qualities.
Black Scholars Academy- The Black Scholars Academy (BSA) program was developed for first-year male mentees to achieve academic success and completion by utilizing college resources, attending workshops, and exploring career options.
CHOICES- The CHOICES program was created to explore resources of stability, accountability, and sustainability for women, by way of mentoring, encouraging, and investigating educational opportunities to aid women as they move forward in their personal growth and their professional endeavors.
Minority Women's Leadership Initiative- The Minority Women's Leadership Initiative (MWLI) program was created to uplift and encourage minority female students, by supporting academic, career, and personal success. This program promotes holistic self-awareness that will develop professional expertise, civic responsibility and engagement, and the ability to balance college life with the obligations unique to the female population. MWLI supports student matriculation, graduation, and successful transfer.